My Neighbor’s Garden

A landscape designer transformed my neighbor’s yard into a spectacular display of lush gardens full of colorful flowers.  Now his yard looks like a botanical masterpiece straight out of Better Homes & Garden.

The first time I saw my neighbor’s new gardens, I felt small and degraded. My mediocre mix of flowers and trees paled in comparison to his stunning horticulture. A green streak of jealousy ran up my spine.

Jealousy Causes Me To Resent Others

Jealousy always rears its ugly head, when I focus on what I don’t have. If I only see the positive things happening in other’s lives and the negative in mine, I become selfish and self-centered. I become envious and discontent with their advantages. I resent their success.

Somebody Will Always Have More Than I Do

There will always be houses with lusher grass and flowers with bigger blooms than I have, but no one can take away the good things that are within me. The more I respect myself, the easier it will be to accept good things happening in other people’s lives.

I may not have what they have at this moment, but we are on different paths. I have what I need. I have beds full of flowers, and trees that grow tall and strong. I do have an attractive landscape. Later on, I may be the one with a yard resembling a magazine photo, while my neighbor’s is dead and brown.

I Must Accept Myself As I Am

If I desire to have a perfect yard so people will think I’m special and pay attention to me, I am only harming myself. I must accept myself as I am. I don’t have to be perfect to be my best self, but I do have to be honest with myself. The solution is up to me.

When I appreciate what I have, instead of dwelling on what I lack, I feel good about my life. I can’t be jealous and grateful at the same time.

I Am Thankful For What I Do Have

Instead of comparing my yard with my neighbor’s, I will be thankful for all the plants and flowers that are blooming in my yard. I will be grateful for all that I have been given. By changing my attitude, I can be happy for another person’s abundance.

I have learned to accept my yard as it is—weeds and all. My neighbor’s backyard oasis reminds me that wonderful things can happen at any time to anybody.  Now I hold my head high and celebrate his beautiful gardens, while I enjoy the stunning view.

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6 responses to “My Neighbor’s Garden”

  1. Thanks Sallie-
    I can relate as I too have been struggling with jealousy lately. I will try to put gratitude to work and see if that can help to chase my green eyed monster away.

    • Thank you for your comment, Amy. Being grateful has helped me see my neighbor’s beautiful yard in a new light, a healthy light.
      I hope it helps you, too.

  2. ? thank you Sally, I love to read and then reread your blog posts. I find that I often come back to the same ones over and over again. ?

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